first majestic silver

Chris Marcus

Chris Marcus Articles

While China and the global central banks continue to accumulate gold, the US and the western countries have continued to accumulate more debt.
While gold and silver prices have rallied over the past 3 months there's been a lot of coverage about how much gold China and the central banks have been buying.
During a time when the Fed has aggressively hiked interest rates and left them 'higher for longer' well past what most investors were expecting, we've still seen one of the more impressive gold and silver rallies of the past 2 decades.
The central banks have been on a gold buying spree ever since Russia was sanctioned by the US in early 2022. And they just set a new first quarter record for the amount of gold purchased.
We're back with part 2 of our interview with Jim Willie, where today he goes through his list of 20 reasons for the gold price breakout.
With gold and silver rallying while there's been a selloff in the bond market, today Dr. Jim Willie checks in to share his view on what's happening.
Throughout the ongoing gold and silver rally, we've heard plenty about how much gold China is buying. But have Americans been a part of the buying yet?
At last week's Fed meeting and press conference, the markets rallied as the FOMC's Summary of Economic Projections suggested that the Fed members are still anticipating 3 rate cuts in 2024.
While gold and silver prices have rallied over the past week and a half, and have left some investors wondering if we're in the beginning of a break-out, the latest COT report shows that the banks were once again shorting the metals as the...
A few weeks ago following an elevated CPI report, there was speculation in the markets that the Fed might actually hike rates again before it cuts. Yet even with the cuts delayed as some fear hikes, the price of gold has just soared above...

Small amounts of natural gold were found in Spanish caves used by the Paleolithic Man about 40,000 B.C.

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