first majestic silver

Keith Weiner

PhD in Economics, CEO of Monetary Metals

Keith WeinerDr. Keith Weiner is the CEO of Monetary Metals and the president of the Gold Standard Institute USA.  Keith is a leading authority in the areas of gold, money, and credit and has made important contributions to the development of trading techniques founded upon the analysis of bid-ask spreads.  Keith is a sought after speaker and regularly writes on economics.  He is an Objectivist, and has his PhD from the New Austrian School of Economics.  His website is

Keith Weiner Articles

Picture, if you can, a world in which gold circulates as the medium of exchange. People pay for everything, from groceries to rent, in gold. Employers pay wages in gold. Productive enterprises borrow gold to finance everything from food...
Many voices in the gold community are making a simple point. Look at the prices of oil, copper, and other commodities. They are skyrocketing. The mainstream explanation— shared by Keynesians, Monetarists, and many Austrians—is that the...
Can you remember back to when you were two or three years old? Toddlers often think that there are little people inside the TV (or maybe this was only true when the TV was about as deep as it was wide—and maybe kids today don’t think this...
Coinbase, a publicly traded cryptocurrency company, recently announced that it will sell 1.5 billion worth of bonds (then revised it to 2 billion). Dollars. A leader of the crypto revolution is borrowing dollars.
Since LAST WEEK’S REPORT, the price action has been downwards. The price of gold dropped about $50, and that of silver $1.35. The gold-silver ratio rose to its highest level since the end of 2020.
​​​​​​​This time, we start with the gold-silver ratio. Let’s revisit something we said on 23 August: “…the supply and demand fundamentals of silver are stronger here than they have been since the Covid crisis. … physical silver is scarcer...
One way to look at the price of gold, is that it dropped from its high around $1,900 in early June. Another way is to zoom out, and look at the big picture. Here is a 10-year chart of gold and silver prices.
Sometimes, bad luck can strike. But other times, a catastrophe comes from a series of bad decisions, each the reaction to the consequences of the previous one.
The gold price dropped precipitously on Sunday evening, August 8. Or it was smashed down, depending on which headline you read. We look at the data to see what really happened to the price of gold.
When we saw the following comment from a prominent otherwise free marketer, we knew it was time to write this article. “…the value of the Fed's "liabilities"(which are so in name only) [scare quotes and parenthetic comment in original]...

18 karat gold is 75% pure gold.

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