first majestic silver

Morris Hubbartt

Precious Metals Analyst

Morris Hubbartt is the creator of proprietary timing models in the Superforce Signals, Superforce 60 Trading Service. He is senior vice president, General Manager and as Co-Owner of a concrete manufacturing company since 1985. He is also sole proprietor of SFS Newsletter Services that specializes in volume analysis of the gold & silver markets. His website is at

Morris Hubbartt Articles

Dow Time Out Chart
Dow Time Out Chart •    At this point, quantitative easing is pumping about 85 billion electronically printed dollars a month, into bonds and other “quality assets”. Without the artificially low interest rates that QE creates, ...
US Dollar Monthly Bar Failure Chart
Gold Sentiment Chart
US Dollar Chart Dollar Commentary

U.S. ranks third in world gold production with 240 tons per year

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