first majestic silver

Mark O'Byrne

Executive & Research Director @ GoldCore

Mark O'Byrne is executive and research director of which he founded in 2003. GoldCore have become one of the leading gold brokers in the world and have over 4,000 clients in over 40 countries and with over $200 million in assets under management and storage.We offer mass affluent, HNW, UHNW and institutional investors including family offices, gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion in London, Zurich, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai and Perth. 

Mark O'Byrne Articles

Russia and surprisingly the Netherlands were the largest central bank buyers in December – accumulating a significant 30.34 tonnes between them as currency wars intensify. Demand for gold as a diversification and monetary asset continues...
Mario Draghi is preparing to unveil QE today as the ECB looks certain to announce its much anticipated quantitative easing (QE) program. The move to print up to €1 trillion euros in the coming months appears to be a fait accompli although...
Is gold a safe haven? Mark O’Byrne, executive and research director at GoldCore, told CNBC yesterday that yes it is. He said that the Swiss National Bank’s recent decision was “icing on the cake” for gold and shows how gold thrives in a...
The Bundesbank, Germany’s powerful central bank, announced very publicly this morning the further repatriation of some of its gold being held in foreign locations – namely in Paris and New York with the Bank of France and the Federal...
Gold surged in dollars, pounds and especially euros yesterday after the Swiss Natonal Bank (SNB) caused turmoil in markets. Spot gold surged $30.50 or 2.48% to $1,258.50 per ounce and gold in euro terms rose by 4 per cent from EUR 1,044 to...
Gold priced in euros surged through the €1,050/oz barrier to a high of €1,052.04 per ounce this morning. It’s up 7.2% this month, outperforming gold in dollars which is up 4.8%, and building on the 12% gains seen in 2014. Market...
2015 is upon us and the turbulence has already begun. 2014 was another year of an uneasy calm interrupted by sudden bouts of abrupt market volatility. We were surprised how risk appetite remained so high despite emerging and a high level...
At the start of the New Year, there are increasing signs that the recovery seen in property prices in many cities in western countries – namely Dublin, London and other UK cities and New York and other U.S. cities is beginning to peter out.
At the end of each year, it is important to take stock and review how various assets have performed and what has transpired in the year gone past. This will give indications as to how assets will perform in the coming year and, more...
Dr Marc Faber, respected economic historian and author of the respected monthly newsletter, the ‘Gloom, Boom and Doom Report’, has warned that 2015 is set to be very volatile, urged international diversification and owning “physical...

One ounce of gold is so ductile it can be drawn into a wire 50 miles long

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