Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
January 11, 2007
January 10, 2007
Stockmarket trading has certain similarities with driving a car.
We all have favorite books, films, and foods. Books, films, and foods we always gyrate to when we need a treat, refresher, or to prove a salient point. I stumbled across a marvelous book several years ago in a Phoenix, AZ used book store.
January 8, 2007
Back in December of 2001, Robert Arnott and Clifford Asness published an interesting paper entitled "Does Dividend Policy Foretell Earnings Growth?".
January 5, 2007
December's larger than expected jump in non-farm payrolls is predictably being touted as evidence of a more vibrant U.S. economy. Unfortunately, the data does not support this conclusion.
In order to soften the coming blow of a credit collapse, a group of concerned citizens has decided to establish, in the year 2007, the Gold Standard University Live, home for the study of monetary issues placed under taboo by other institutions of higher learni
The USDollar decline remains in progress, the one which began when the United States citizenry and its Wall Street aristocrats observed the great eating orgy known as Thanksgiving. Nothing can stop a holiday where Americans make eating the order of the day.
January 4, 2007
The S&P 500 WILL BE UP 10 to 15% IN 2007
For commodities the new trading year did not start off with a bang or a whimper, but rather with an implosion.
January 3, 2007
Unlike other analysts, I do not provide predictions or forecasts in January every year. We stay true to our trading models, and this is our current position as 2006 ended and 2007 just begun.
January 1, 2007
The monthly chart of the HUI is providing us with the maximum amount of information concerning its future path that we could ever hope to obtain from any chart.
December 30, 2006
Dedicated to the Memory of Ferdinand Lips (1931-2005)
Student and Advocate of the Gold Standard
On the Occasion of the Inauguration of Gold Standard University Live*
December 29, 2006
Those of us in the older generation remember the 1970s. It was a wonderful time (for gold bugs). Gold went up. Almost all commodities went up. Bonds went down. Stocks went down. By 1980, most of the top mutual funds were gold funds.
December 28, 2006
It is a well known fact that the powers that be, want America to partake in a 'one world' system, and this has never been a political teaching or campaign speech by either Democrats or Republicans.
December 27, 2006
First Majestic, (FR.V - TSX, FMJRF on the pink sheets and AOLHKJ at Frankfurt), is a well managed silver miner, intending on becoming a senior producer through acquisitions and by adding reserves via the drill bit.
December 26, 2006
A very significant development occurred this week in the resource sectors of energy and metals, which could affect price action in coming weeks.
December 22, 2006
Long ago - so long ago that I can no longer remember exactly when - I heard the expression "an ant's eye view of the Universe".
December 21, 2006
I've been reading a book again, which I have had for at least five years. It is copyrighted in 2001, and titled "The Coming Collapse of China," by Gordon Chang.
December 19, 2006
1929-30 = 1972-1973 = 1999-2000 = 2006-2007
The real currency story in recent months is the euro-yen cross, and not so much the euro-dollar headline breakout. In Japanese yen terms, the euro is on a tear. Aiding the euro is significant Asian diversification away from the USDollar by their central banks.
December 18, 2006
December 15, 2006
This week, in what I believe to be an unprecedented diplomatic pilgrimage, the sitting U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve were dispatched to China.
History replaying
December 14, 2006
Although gold has not exactly glittered since it broke out of its large triangular pattern late in October, immediate downside now looks limited, while upside remains relatively unlimited.
Life is full of decisions to make. No matter what the situation is, be it serious, comical, or dire, there's always a decision to make as to what to do to remedy or solve a problem. Examples are myriad.
December 13, 2006
US Treasury Secy Hank Paulson and USFed Chairman have embarked upon yet another trip to China, joined even by Commerce Secy Gutierrez. This Strategic Economic Dialog between the Untied States and China deserves comment.
December 9, 2006
Its amazing how one thing leads to another. For the past few months I have been writing a novel (nearing completion) and have not been following the markets particularly closely.
This week, both the $HUI and $XAU's weekly charts have confirmed a major buy signal.
December 8, 2006
Given that foreigners are the primary purchasers of US Treasury bonds (snapping up 56% of inventory in the last auction), a declining dollar is supposed to be a major drag on bond prices.
December 7, 2006
A steady, relentless, and nearly perpetual force pushing the USDollar down in the next two years will be the housing bear market.