first majestic silver

Adam Hamilton

CPA, Principal & Co-Founder of Zeal LLC

Adam Hamilton, CPA, is a principal of Zeal LLC, which he co-founded in early 2000 as a pro-free market, pro-capitalism, and pro-laissez faire contrarian investing and speculating Information Age financial-services company. Hamilton is a lifelong contrarian student of the markets who lives for studying and trading them.

Adam Hamilton Articles

Gold continues to struggle to make headway, bogged down by skittish gold-futures speculators. They are loath to buy in quantity, because they fear serious downside from expected Fed tightening. For that same reason they are quick to flee...
The gold miners’ stocks are still languishing deeply out of favor, largely left for dead.  Their low prices are collateral damage from this past summer’s anomalous pair of extreme gold-futures-selling episodes on Fed-tightening fears.  But...
The gold miners’ stocks suffered a rough summer, getting hammered lower as collateral damage on gold futures speculators fearing Fed tightening.  That heavy gold-stock selling certainly wreaked havoc, leaving overwhelmingly bearish...
Gold stocks’ best-performing subset has been pummeled lower recently, leaving a wake of devastated sentiment.  Traders have wholesale abandoned the mid-tier and junior gold miners which are this sector’s sweet spot for upside potential...
The gold miners’ stocks have suffered a weak few months, pounded by a couple big gold-futures purges on distant-future-Fed-rate-hike scares. The resulting bearishness flaring left this contrarian sector deeply out of favor. But with...
The US stock markets continue to power ever higher to an endless series of new records. Leading the way are the big US stocks, with extraordinary gains fueled by the Fed’s radically-unprecedented money printing. The winding-down Q2’21...
The gold miners’ stocks were whacked hard earlier this summer on a Fed-rate-hikes scare. That serious anomaly really damaged sentiment, spawning exceptionally-weak seasonal performance in this contrarian sector. But the bruised gold stocks...
Gold has been sucking wind this summer, trudging along after getting slammed by a distant-future-rate-hikes scare. The resulting lower prices have really damaged psychology, leaving investors wavering on gold. Their recent capital inflows...
The gold miners’ stocks are still grinding sideways after last month’s Fed-rate-hike scare.  This technical basing is laying the foundation for this interrupted gold-stock upleg to rebound.  Today’s low gold-stock prices relative to the...
The gold miners’ stocks have been grinding sideways for several weeks, after getting whacked by mid-June’s hawkish Fed surprise.  While this low drift has really stoked bearish sentiment, the gold stocks are winding up like a coiled spring...

The volume of all the gold ever mined can occupy a cube 63 feet on each side.

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