first majestic silver

Adam Hamilton

CPA, Principal & Co-Founder of Zeal LLC

Adam Hamilton, CPA, is a principal of Zeal LLC, which he co-founded in early 2000 as a pro-free market, pro-capitalism, and pro-laissez faire contrarian investing and speculating Information Age financial-services company. Hamilton is a lifelong contrarian student of the markets who lives for studying and trading them.

Adam Hamilton Articles

Oil stocks have to be one of the most unloved sectors in the markets today. The recent general-stock-market and oil corrections combined with the incredibly-negative psychology spawned by the BP oil spill have driven oil stocks down to ...
Naturally in the wake of the recent stock-market selling, bearish theories have made a major resurgence. You can't turn on CNBC for 5 minutes, let alone open a financial newspaper, without seeing endless reasons why the stock markets are...
In today's ever-more interrelated financial world, China's stock-market action is growing increasingly influential everywhere else. As the globe spins, the results of each day's stock trading in China often spill over into Europe and then...
So far this year, the US dollar has enjoyed a strong performance. Traders carefully watch this flagship currency since its fortunes affect virtually everything, from world-trade balances to global financial markets to commodities prices....
Over the past month or so, precious-metals stocks' performance has been frustrating. Even though gold looks great, lazily meandering over $1200 without a care in the world, the PM stocks have drifted sideways to lower. Unfortunately such...
Oil stocks have been hammered especially hard in the recent stock-market correction. With both the general stock markets and price of crude oil falling sharply, the oil stocks didn't stand a chance. The result of all this carnage is deeply...
The condition of Europe has become the psychological linchpin governing the world's financial markets. Even the notoriously insular American investors are fretting about Europe's woes on an hour-by-hour basis, which is incredible. The euro...
With the European sovereign-debt troubles dominating financial news, the euro has taken quite a beating lately. The majority consensus opinion even believes that the euro's very existence is threatened by this crisis. This pervasive euro-...
As gold stocks continue to power higher in their usual spring rally, they are starting to attract investors' attention again. This includes some value investors, a group that is always concerned with valuations. Unfortunately, valuation...
Launched 4 years ago this week, the SLV silver ETF has proven very successful. With $5.1b in net assets, it already ranks among the top 20 largest ETFs in the US. And the 287m ounces of physical silver bullion it holds in trust for its...

Gold is using for heat dissipation in some cars.

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