first majestic silver

Alf Field

Alf Field was born and raised in South Africa. He is a Chartered Accountant by training. Together with a partner, he started his own funds management business in 1970 in Johannesburg. In August 1971, when the USA stopped converting US dollars for gold at $35, Alf perceived a major opportunity to buy large quantities of gold mining shares personally and for clients. In 1979 he migrated with his wife and four children to Australia. He is currently a self-funded retiree who manages his own portfolio. In 2002 Alf started writing articles on gold related subjects, including monetary history, as well as a series of gold price forecasts using the Elliott Wave technique.

Alf Field Articles

The bail out of Bear Sterns has validated all the worst fears and forecasts expressed in these newsletters over the past few years. The Fed has once again verified that it will create whatever new liquidity is required to prevent any...
Some years ago Gordon Brown, then UK Minister of Finance, was asked at a dinner party why he had allowed the UK to sell 60% of the country's gold reserves from 1999 to 2002. According to someone who was present, the reply was along the...
There is often a moment in a major market move where public perceptions of the item suddenly change and the feeling is something like: "Yup, this REALLY is a bull market!" or "Yup, this REALLY is a bear market!" This is sometime called the...
Finally, the $100 Upward Catapult arrived. TWO MONTH'S AGO: Data updated to 9 July 2007. MARKET ACTION SINCE THEN: Data updated to 28 September 2007.
"Gear Today, Gone Tomorrow" is an old saying in the market place, referring to the propensity for over-leveraged entities to implode. The continuing crisis in the global banking and credit markets has caused the clock to tick past midnight...
Elliott Wave Gold Update XV In Gold market we finally have "Ignition" and "Lift-off". Events over the past three weeks have created a situation where an upside price catapult of at least $100 per ounce, without a significant correction,...
A Fire Alarm went off in the markets last week. If the "Cash is Trash" and "Fiat currencies are headed for oblivion" arguments for holding gold and other tangible assets are correct, the least desirable asset category that one would wish...
In Update XII, which was published 2 months ago, it was stated: "Both gold and silver seem poised for dramatic upside price explosions if the latest Elliott Wave count set out below is correct.
Both gold and silver seem poised for dramatic upside price explosions if the latest Elliott Wave count set out below is correct.
There is a manpower crisis in the form of a skilled worker shortage that is having an adverse impact on the mining industry. Whatever one is interested in, be it gold, silver, platinum, uranium, base metals, or other mining operations,...

Gold is perfect for use in coins and jewelry as it does not react with air or water like many other metals.

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