first majestic silver

Bob Hoye

Bob Hoye is the chief financial strategist of Institutional Advisers.

Bob Hoye Articles

The top headline for the last quote was "400 Billion Reasons Why Ebbing Currency Reserves Threatens Bonds", which really caught our eye. Not because of the threat to bond prices, but because the significant decline in prices represents an...
Our big theme has been that the senior US stock indexes would rally out to "around May" and this is where we are. This view includes that both stocks and the economy will roll over, virtually, together. Since earlier in the year "Macro"...
Decades ago, we used some quips attributed to the "trading floor cynic." After more than fifty years in the markets and after reading so much of financial history one might become jaded about the markets. Not in these pages. There are very...
On this week's release of NYSE Margin Debt, Business Insider headlined "Traders are betting on stocks with tons of borrowed money". As noted on our last review, the pattern has been a compulsive peak in margin and a correction in the...
On the bigger picture, the stock market has soared to excessive readings on sentiment and momentum. These are only registered as a cyclical bull market peaks. This is a process and market forces are beginning to change.

The periodic symbol for gold is AU which come from the Latin for gold aurum.

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