first majestic silver

Brad Gudgeon

Brad Gudgeon Articles

Much has been written regarding repeating socio/political economic (SPE) cycles.  Strauss and Howe wrote about the 20-22 year generational turns, which work in a 4 generation cycle called a Saeculum. Each Saeculum lasts about 80-88 years...
In my opinion GDX and the precious metals look ready to rally nicely in the coming 7-8 weeks. I have been negative on the PM’s and miners for quite some time now. Keep in mind that I believe that the coming rally will be counter trend, but...
I know most are getting bulled up here, but I’m thinking we go lower into the 12th before rocketing higher in the stock market. Notice the 16 TD tops on the SPX on chart below!
According to the Gann astro/cycles and my wave counts, we are near another important top. Ideally, this top should occur on June 14/15. The next possible cycle low is due sometime between June 28/29 and July 3/5 depending on the count and...
The rally into early Monday, February 26, 2018 is no surprise to me. The charts below were written over the weekend suggesting follow through buying into early Monday at or above SPX 2754 and then a sudden fast reversal down below the 2532...
When I made the charts below over the weekend, I had thought I made a mistake regarding the final top in the SPX being 7/20 and changed it to 7/24 based on the astro/cycle reading. As it turns out, it looks as though 7/20 was that top (...
The stock market is due for a sudden air pocket, likely from Tuesday to Thursday this week. My downside target is 2398 +/-. We are due for the 10 week low from April 13, 2017.  The SPX is making an irregular abc type (y) wave top that is...
May 17 saw one of the largest drops of the stock market this year.  I believe we will see an even larger drop early next week. There are three distinct reasons apart from the daily MACD failing to make a new high along with the SPX....
We entered into a Mercury Retrograde period on April 9, which I have said before is like trading in the Bermuda Triangle, difficult at best! Typically, this usually portends a turn in the precious metals market within about 2-4 trading...
Two weeks ago, I was looking at a possible 2330 SPX by year’s end. By December 23rd, I told my subscribers to expect a rally into December 27, and then a bottom near December 29th, somewhere between SPX 2238-52. The SPX closed at 2238 on...

The average human body contains 0.2 mg of gold with the bone containing .016 ppm and the liver .0004 ppm.

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