first majestic silver

Don Stott

Don Stott Articles

Self proclaimed innocent Jeffrey Skilling has been sentenced to 24 years in the slammer, and fined $45 million for the loss of an estimated $65 BILLION with the collapse of Enron. (Why shouldn't the fines, if they are ever paid, be...
It's close to Halloween, so why not one in basic economics? Here goes. Fact # 1: No currency in the entire world is backed by anything, be it precious metals, mulberry leaves, scrap metal, copper, acreage, or cotton thread. All currencies...
As America goes down the drain economically, and the buck loses ever more value and purchasing power, there are many reasons for it. We have discussed the huge problem of overseas jobs, and how some of it comes about by tinkering with...
The free traders can think of only one thing it seems, and that is cheap consumer prices. While I love cheap prices, I abhor "free Trade" as I wrote in my book, which is now five years old. Speaking of my five year old book, which is out...
Ever wonder how it came to be that everything we use and need, seems to be made in China? I often wondered, and now a fantastic piece by the Washington Post, explains it all. America, before FDR, supported its small central government by...
There are several possible scenarios for the world's and US economies. They involve currencies quite naturally, because it is the various currencies which are used to buy stuff around the world. Some have already gone bust and become...
Ever hear the line, "With a friend like you, who needs enemies?" Not bad, and it seems to this scribe that it applies to several items and institutions. There are many enemies out there, so don't get taken in by them, because most of them...
The free coinage or silver and gold had been adopted in 1792. This meant that anyone could take gold or silver to the mint, and have it coined. A silver dollar would have a dollar's worth of silver, and the much smaller gold coin would...
I am working feverishly on a piece about "The Crime of '73," but it isn't finished yet. That's 1873, not 1973. So We must continue examining the frightening symptoms we now see, and what they can result in, probably in the not too distant...
If you have a pain in your chest, you just might be going to, or actually having a heart attack, and especially if the pain lingers. Far too many people ignore it and get into serious trouble, and if they had gone to the ER, they might...

In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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