
DrDoolittle Articles

BANK ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUES TO REACH RECORD LEVELS IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE…year after year – as global Central Banks try to inflate away their burgeoning debt and reduce unacceptably high UNEMPLOYMENT by vastly expanding Money...
There is strong empirical evidence of a direct relationship between long-term price inflation and money-supply growth. An outstanding example is Zimbabwe, which saw rapid increases in its money supply fueled by rapid increases in prices (...
There is strong empirical evidence of a direct relationship between long-term price inflation and money-supply growth. An outstanding example is Zimbabwe, which saw rapid increases in its money supply fueled by rapid increases in prices (...
This is the burning question for economists worldwide on the Eve of the New Year. This article is a compilation of many erudite sources and opinions copied from the Internet....plus my own thoughts. Economists: Another Global Recession...
Dr Doolittle20 years ago the shiny yellow took off into the wild blue yonder.....see Chart of Jan-Dec 1987. In the first week of April 1987 U.S. T-Bonds began to sell-off...coincidently, the POG began to rise in concert. Toward the end of...
"Central Banks eye asset as well as FX shift."LONDON (Reuters) - Central Banks around the world are looking to invest more of their $4.75 trillion foreign exchange reserves in equities at the expense of bonds, but the implications for...

Gold is used in following industries: Jewelry, Financial, Electronics, Computers, Dentistry, Medicine, Awards, Aerospace and Glassmaking.

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