Egon von Greyerz

Founder @ Matterhorn Asset Management & GoldSwitzerland

Egon von Greyerz – Founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management (MAM) and GoldSwitzerland based in Zurich. Egon forecasted the present problems in the world economy already in 2002 when he recommended to investors to allocate 50% of assets into physical gold (at $300) stored outside the banking system. Egon began as a banker in Geneva and was thereafter Finance Director and Vice-Chairman of a FTSE 100 company in the UK.  He makes regular media appearances  on CNBC, BBC and King World News and speaks at investment conferences around the world. MAM (founded in 1999), specialises in wealth preservation. GoldSwitzerland buys, sells, transfers and stores physical precious metals for private investors and institutions outside the banking system. His website is

Egon von Greyerz Articles

“Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” happen with regular intervals as Charles Mackay wrote about. It seems that the world experiences more delusions and madness than truth and sanity. 
Ever since gold passed the “Maginot” price line of 1350 in 2019, the case for a secular bull market in precious metals has only grown stronger. Egon reminds viewers that history is merely repeating itself. From 3rd century Rome or the John...
Will gold be confiscated? Yes, of course, it could be. Desperate governments will take desperate actions. And as the world economy is now slumping into a hyperinflationary depression, unlimited money printing will cause currencies to...
The ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court sets Germany against the EU. A planned crash? Southern Europe cannot exist without tourism. But the bang will probably come from the US, which despite huge QE programmes is plunging into a...
As the Nasdaq makes a new high for the year, the world outside the stock market timebomb is falling apart. For example the UN agency, The International Labour Organisation (ILO) reports that 1.6 billion jobs are at risk in the global...
As the world economy is about to implode, very few investors realise what will hit them. The dip buyers of stocks don’t understand that it really is different this time as the world is now facing the biggest destruction of wealth in...
With global hyperinflation looming Egon discusses the ramifications of governments’ ongoing debasement of currencies around the world.
In this interview Egon von Greyerz explains to Paul Eberhart of SilverDoctors that the combination of the Coronavirus and the coming economic depression will change the world forever. We are now going towards a hyperinflationary depression...
The destiny of the world is now in the hands of 6 central banks, Fed, ECB, BoE (England), PBOC (China), BoJ (Japan), SNB (Swiss). This in itself bodes extremely badly for the global financial system. This is like putting the villains in...
This interview starts by Lynette reminding her audience of Egon’s view that financial and economic risk in the world was getting uncomfortably high already 20 years ago. He recommended as early as 2002 for people to hold 25 – 50% of...

It is estimated that the total amount of gold mined up to the end of 2011 is approximately 166,000 tonnes.

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