Guy Christopher

Guy ChristopherMoney Metals columnist Guy Christopher is a veteran writer living on the Gulf Coast. A retired investigative journalist, published author, and former stockbroker, Christopher has taught college as an adjunct professor and is a veteran of the 101st Airborne in Vietnam.

Guy Christopher Articles

The specter of government forcefully confiscating gold is still roaming around out there. That nagging prospect dampens many buying decisions, unfortunate at a time when gold, and especially silver, are near historically bargain basement...
If you don't have a magical crystal ball to see the future, then a good history book will do the job. Understanding the past offers a full color panorama to the dangers and opportunities facing you in 2016.
It’s hard to say which lie about gold is the biggest whopper. Many widely held beliefs about gold are lies – propaganda hammered home to have us believe the only true measure of wealth is government-issued debt. Big Lie #1: Gold is a...
Most gold owners are familiar with worries of forced government gold confiscation – that one day black-ops shock teams will toss homes to find that stash of coins and bars.
We Americans no longer carry gold and silver money in our pockets and purses as our grandparents did during their lives. But we still carry the history, legacy and spirit of those gold and silver coins in our language – with more meaning...

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds the world's largest accumulation of monetary gold.

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