first majestic silver

Ian Gordon

Ian Gordon Articles

You might remember, in the January edition of this newsletter I described how I manage my investment account. One of the things I do at the beginning of the year is to set target prices for each of my holdings in my investment portfolio....
Ian Gordon doesn't look like a prophet of doom. A vice-president of Canaccord Capital, one of the major brokerage companies in Canada, the affable 62-year-old is more at home in a sober jacket and tie rather than gypsy head scarf. With his...
The New Year allows us to reflect upon the past year and set our investment goals for 2014. As for 2013, it has been an investment disaster. My retirement account, which is 100% invested in junior precious metals companies has lost a...
Well, I am about to share with you my discovery of secular, long term, intermediate term and short term cycles in the investment markets. I am confident that when you have concluded your reading that you will understand that all financial...
The U.S. Constitution empowers the Legislative Branch of the Federal Government – the U.S. Congress – with control of the public purse. Congress established the statutory debt limit in 1917 as a mechanism to restrain government borrowing...
I'm just saying that I've been thinking about 'Risk' and specifically about risk in the securities markets. What prompted that thought? Well it's because for my own account since the beginning of the year 2000, all my investments have been...

Gold is using for heat dissipation in some cars.

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