Jay Taylor

Jay Taylor Articles

On Thursday of last week, GATA reported that The World Gold Council sent out a letter that day to its sponsoring members. Bull Murphy said that from what he heard it spoke of some problems in the physical gold market. He was also told that...
With the price of gold at $260, the gold manipulators have succeeded in pushing the price of gold to a level not seen since just before the Washington Agreement. Given its current price, gold mining has become a most unattractive business...
The high octane fuel pumped into the stock market in a panic attempt by the Fed to keep the U.S. economy from falling off a cliff, seemed to have already been mostly consumed by the end of this past week, judging by faltering stock prices...
Sensing that our economy was about to overheat, Mr. Greenspan began to tap on the monetary breaks ever so lightly, during 2000. As a result, the 52-week growth rate in M-3 fell from over 10% toward the end of 1999 to around 6% at the end...
Some very significant danger signs are now becoming more obvious in the U.S. economy. Manufacturing has now joined mining as two industries already in a recession. The vast majority of dot com companies are or will become history and the...
We noted that the O'Higgins process calls for you to determine whether to be on the long end of the yield curve if the price of gold declined during the most recent year compared to the prior year. Amazingly, until the year just ended,...
On September 28, 2000 Salomon Smith Barney provided a very bullish report on gold titled, "Gold: Darkest Before Dawn?" Major pints made by the report were the following: 1. Long suffering gold investors have all but given up… We believe...
The popular press would have you believe that gold has remained weak because the dollar is strong. In other words, people simply prefer dollars for money rather than gold, even though gold in fact contains intrinsic value while paper is...
In the September 8, 1999 issue of our newsletter we interviewed Bill Murphy. Bill believed as do we, that Central Banks in conjunction with the U.S. Treasury have been intervening to keep the price of gold low. Those of you who may not be...

Gold was first discovered in U.S. at the Reed farm in North Carolina in 1799, a 17-pound nugget.

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