first majestic silver

Jeff Nielson

Jeff NielsonJeff Nielson is co-founder and managing partner of Bullion Bulls Canada; a website which provides precious metals commentary, economic analysis, and mining information to readers/investors. Jeff originally came to the precious metals sector as an investor around the middle of last decade, but soon decided this was where he wanted to make the focus of his career. His website is

Jeff Nielson Articles

Most commentators in the precious metals sector still are not treating hyperinflation as a likely scenario -- as “competitive devaluation” continues to relentlessly drive all of this paper to zero. I can prove this. How? Because these...
The Great Paper Liquidation continues. While the stampede out of the banksters’ fraudulent paper-called-gold products has eased from its frantic pace of a couple of months earlier, the bleeding continues. The largest of these banker-scams...
In 1980, in an infamous episode of “American Justice”; the Hunt Brothers were charged (and convicted) with attempting to “corner the silver market” – i.e. an attempt to monopolize it. At the time prosecution commenced, the Hunt Brothers...
Regular readers have heard this warning on many prior occasions. We are facing an economic menace unparalleled in all of history: the Rise of the Oligopoly. While the majority of readers tune-out the moment they are exposed to this big...
In countering the relentless gold-bashing propaganda of the mainstream media; readers have listened to the many virtues of gold (and silver) recited again and again by the (legitimate) commentators within the sector. However what has been...
In stating for many years that the gold (and silver) market is being heavily manipulated in order to suppress the price, those asserting this fact have often pointed to the highly suspicious activity of bullion-leasing as one basket of...
The Corporate Media was eager to trumpet the news that “an official source” claims gold imports into India fell from (a revised) 162 tonnes in May to 31.5 tonnes in June. However, this bearish headline came with a caveat: everyone expects...
As the rampant criminality in bullion markets becomes more and more apparent (even to outside observers); we get another anecdote from the Corporate Media illustrating the level of fraud/manipulation in unequivocal terms. We’re told that...
There was more mind-blowing news this week in bullion markets. This is to be contrasted with the deluge of shrill, gold-bashing propaganda being cranked out by the Corporate Media at maximum decibels. As usual (these days); the news...
For obvious reasons; most of the discussion in the precious metals sector over recent months has focused on the gold market. The Great Paper Liquidation which began (secretly) at the end of January before openly manifesting itself in April...

14 karat gold is 58.5% pure gold

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