first majestic silver

Jeffrey Lewis

Jeffrey Lewis Articles

The low hanging fruit of retirement assets currently overwhelm any return on investment for punishing gold and silver investors. This is in addition to the very liquid numismatic and graded coin markets - which add another layer to the...
Silver and gold price sentiment is an unmentionable reflection of the desires of central banking, backed by a currency enforced by decree. Real price discovery is the forbidden yet beating heart of darkness - where few are willing to...
The ebb and flow of futures and weak handed speculator games on the COMEX have been in place for decades and continues to shape sentiment and market commentary.
On average, every quarter we are exposed to yet another price guidance by a mainstream analyst. Such analysts usually reside within a large investment bank. These calls become focal points for a sector and often seem to carry with them...
A recent 60 Minutes television show interview revealed the long established electronic trading mechanism used to front run and carry out price management and profit schemes across trading seconds. In the wake of the interview, one cannot...
"The first rule of mainstream financial journalism and, particularly, financial journalism about gold is never to put a specific critical question about the monetary metal to any of the primary participants in the gold market, central...
Disaster, by over-optimization, is another important way to frame the much-heralded "just in time" inventory practices which are used broadly by industry and grafted to monetary assets like precious metals.
History does not repeat; it rhymes. Current stability comes from confidence and force. We've all heard that cliché over and over. But to rhyme is to the use any words you choose. We can rhyme in paper or digits, but it is all backed by...
The wall of fiat money created over the last five years is staggering, offset only by the stasis that pervades its exchange. Money velocity is the key variable that will signal the character of confidence and the next wave of inflation.
Nothing matters to anybody until it matters to everybody — and by then it's too late. This could easily be said for the gold and silver price manipulation.

The total world's holdings of gold could be transported by a single solitary oil tanker.

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