first majestic silver

Mary Anne & Pamela Aden

Mary Anne & Pamela Aden are well known analysts and editors of The Aden Forecast, a market newsletter named 2010 Letter of the Year by MarketWatch, which provides specific forecasts and recommendations on gold, stocks, interest rates and the other major markets. For more information, go to

Mary Anne & Pamela Aden Articles

It’s been a crazy month. So much drama and so much uncertainty … it all left investors somewhat shell shocked.
The war drums are beating. This has driven gold higher and the June lows look like a classic bottom. Think about it. Gold had been dribbling down all year, but when the Fed began its tapering talk in mid-June, it pushed gold down to new...
Given gold's retreat during 2013, it would seem the Midas Metal's best days are behind it, at least for a while. But nothing is further from the truth. The strong demand for gold has not gone away. International investors, central banks...
Deflation and inflation pressures have both been pulling at the markets. This explains the volatility we’ve been seeing. But so far, deflation has the upper hand. That’s why the world’s biggest central banks have been stimulating their...
Gold is getting hot and the environment is ripe for a sustained rise. Gold hit another over two year high for the fourth time since February and the bull market is gaining steam. Gold shares soared even more. As a group they're up 60% this...

USA has the world’s largest holdings of gold: 8,134 - representing 77% of its Total Foreign Reserves.

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