first majestic silver

Matthew Piepenberg

Matt began his finance career as a transactional attorney before launching his first hedge fund during the NASDAQ bubble of 1999-2001

Thereafter, he began investing his own and other HNW family funds into alternative investment vehicles while operating as a General Counsel, CIO and later Managing Director of a single and multi-family office. Matthew worked closely as well with Morgan Stanley’s hedge fund platform in building a multi-strat/multi-manager fund to better manage risk in a market backdrop of extreme central bank intervention/support. The conviction that precious metals provides the most reliable and longer-term protection against potential systemic risk led Matt to join VON GREYERZ.

The author of the Amazon No#1 Release, Rigged to Fail, Matt is fluent in French, German and English; he is a graduate of Brown (BA), Harvard (MA) and the University of Michigan (JD). His widely respected reports on macro conditions and the changing behaviour of risk assets are published regularly at

Matthew Piepenberg Articles

It’s almost comical to watch policy makers of all stripes and country codes caught in a corner yet pretending we don’t notice. I’m reminded of the kid with his hand in the cookie jar while pretending his parents can’t see him—denying his...
The evidence of the shift away from the USD and UST in the wake of the 2022 Putin sanctions is literally everywhere, from Main Street and the bond market to global currency, energy and gold markets.
When it comes to US national debt (now over 120% of its GDP), we and many others, have been openly warning for years that it’s not only a national embarrassment (and managerial sin), but that such abstract trillions of debt are also...
Ever since day-one of the predictably disastrous and politically myopic insanity of weaponizing the world reserve currency against a major power like Russia, we warned that the USD had reached an historical turning point of slow demise and...
In Part II of this two-part conversation with Michelle Makori of Kitco News, Matterhorn Asset Management Partner, Matthew Piepenburg, answers questions about crypto currencies, gold’s critical wealth preservation profile, the rising list...
In Part I of this two-part conversation with Michelle Makori of Kitco News, Matterhorn Asset Management Partner, Matthew Piepenburg, looks at the key financial themes of 2023 and the critical trends to impact the year ahead.
As my last report for 2023, I wanted to hit the big issues blunt in the face—from debt and sovereign bond markets to themes on the USD, inflation, risk markets and physical gold.
The primary stages of grief include: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance. When it comes to grieving over the slow demise of the American economy, sovereign IOU/USD and the absolute failure of our “re-election-only...
Matterhorn Asset Management, AG partner, Matthew Piepenburg joins Kai Hoffmann, CEO of Soar Financially, to follow-up on core themes discussed earlier in the year. Sadly, the trends previously addressed in May (sovereign debt spiral, Main...
Matterhorn Asset Management partner, Matthew Piepenburg discusses the future of the USD with Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital in this thoughtful “debate” hosted by Adam Taggart of Thoughtful Money.

Due primarily to the California Gold Rush, San Francisco’s population exploded from 1,000 to 100,000 in only two years.

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