first majestic silver

Rory Hall

Rory Hall Articles

We recently reported how the people of India has swallowed a massive 1,473 tons of silver in the month of May 2017. Not only was this one of the largest months for Indian silver imports it was more ounces of silver than the U.S. Mint had...
Over the past three weeks, approximately 11 trading days, silver has suffered one of the longest downward spirals in a great many years and some have even argued this is the longest ever. I try not to look a gift horse in the mouth and...
In order for the central bank Ponzi scheme of fiat currency to work, especially on a global basis, the central banks learned early on that gold was the enemy of their scheme and, therefore, must be eliminated from the monetary system. The...
Digital gold seems to be springing up and finding some legs all across the planet. We first reported on digital gold with James Turk almost two years ago when Mr. Turk first introduced GoldMoney. As of today there are two new players on...
“When the Chinese are done doing whatever it is they are doing, and I’m sure they are eviscerating the United States and the Western financial world in the process, they’ll let the market run [gold and silver]. How high, I don’t know.” –...
Bloomberg News admitted that it is aware of the Fed’s “hidden” mandate to control the price of gold when it published an article last Sunday titled, “Yellen Can’t Halt Trump Gold Rally That Funds Bet Against” – Bloomberg/Yellen/Gold.

The first use of gold as money occurred around 700 B.C., when Lydian merchants (western Turkey) produced the first coins

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