first majestic silver

Stewart Thomson

President of Graceland Investment Management

Stewart Thomson is president of Graceland Investment Management (Cayman) Ltd. Stewart was a very good English literature student, which helped him develop a unique way of communicating his investment ideas.  He developed the “PGEN”, which is a unique capital allocation program. It is designed to allow investors of any size to mimic the action of the banks.  Stewart owns GU Trader, which is a unique gold futures/ETF trading service, which closes out all trades by 5pm each day. High net worth individuals around the world follow Stewart on a daily basis.  Website:

Stewart Thomson Articles

I expect global jewellery demand to support consistently higher gold prices, well into the month of February. That’s partly because Chinese stock markets had a tremendous performance in 2014.
In late 2013, I predicted the Fed would taper its QE program to zero, and the first taper would cause gold to rally, stunning the Western gold community. I also predicted the taper would turn the US stock market into a “wet noodle.” That’s...
Gold is ending the year on a solid note. The bears promised that 2014 would be a horrible year for gold. Many bank economists predicted “double digit declines.” None of their shrill predictions have come to pass. That’s because the gold...
As the end of the year approaches, gold is swooning a bit. That’s the daily chart for gold. A broad and gently sloping uptrend channel has been established, with very volatile price action between the channel lines. I expect gold to...
As the end of the year approaches, gold is swooning a bit. That’s the daily chart for gold. A broad and gently sloping uptrend channel has been established, with very volatile price action between the channel lines.
Is Santa Claus coming to town this year? For US stock market investors, it looks like the Grinch just stole Christmas!
Is there a strong bull flag pattern in play on the daily gold chart? The US stock market has lost upside momentum, and the falling price of oil threatens to create an “Armageddon” type of event in the junk bond market, yet gold looks and...
Gold enthusiasts around the world are trying to figure out what just happened in the gold market. The price action has been dramatic, and I think I can shed some fairly bright light on the situation. The general consensus is that the...
While it hasn’t affected gold significantly, the price of oil has fallen quite dramatically over the past couple of months, and that’s bad news for oil companies. Profit margins are shrinking and layoffs could be coming, if the situation...
Gold staged a nice upside breakout from a bullish flag pattern just hours ago. After rising from an inverse head and shoulders bottom pattern, gold promptly formed a bull flag. The target of this pattern is the $1235 - $1240 price zone.

One ounce of gold is so ductile it can be drawn into a wire 50 miles long

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