Toby Connor

Toby Connor is founder and owner of, a financial blog with an emphasis on the secular gold bull market providing daily and weekly analysis regarding the trading activities in the precious metal, currency and stock markets. He also offers a premium newsletter available for subscription at a price.

Toby Connor Articles

Now that the first leg off the bear market bottom has been completed the mining shares have been consolidating for the last three weeks in preparation for another leg up, and I expect the second leg will be almost as powerful as the first.
Today another piece fell into place in my Great Inflation scenario that I'm expecting for 2014. Before I begin let me recap. My overarching driver for the Great Inflation scenario is that the dollar would have some kind of crisis, or semi-...
For over a year now I've been expecting 2014 to be the year when the unintended consequences of five years of QE come home to roost. By the end of the year we are going to have a massive inflationary spike in commodity prices that will...
It's been my opinion now for a the last year that the bull market that started in March of 2009 at 666 on the S&P500 would come to an end either in late 2013, or early 2014. I'm confident that will be the case, but based on the...
Last month I warned about the bubble in the stock market, and what was going to happen when it popped. Make no mistake the chart of the S&P is the most dangerous chart in the world. When this parabolic structure collapses, it is going...
In my last post I noted that gold could give a major buy signal in the next 2-3 weeks. Let me stress again that patience is required right here. Gold has to confirm the intermediate rally first. That means it needs to break above $1268 and...
It's been my opinion for the last several weeks that gold formed an intermediate degree bottom on December 31. That being said I'm still a bit nervous that the sector could suffer another manipulation event (like the flash crash two weeks...
Last week I wrote an article on why I think the bull market in stocks is coming to an end. As usual the retail public is chasing a move that is extremely mature and ripe to reverse, while assuming that the current trend will continue....
Well the Fed in its infinite wisdom has gone and done it again. They've created another bubble. And this bubble is arguably the 6th in the last 13 years (tech, real estate, credit, bond, oil, and now stocks - again). And let’s footnote the...
It's been my theory for some time now that this QE driven bull market would top either in late 2013 or early 2014, followed by a multi-month stagnation process as liquidity leaked into the commodity markets.

78 percent of the yearly gold supply is made into jewelry.

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