first majestic silver

Warren Bevan

Warren Bevan is a renowned trader who’s honed his craft over the years learning the styles and techniques of Jesse Livermore, William O’Neil and Dan Zanger and forming his own unique style. He focuses on making money and going hard when the right markets present themselves and during the rest of the time focuses on capital preservation.  He focuses on the leading fast moving stocks during the good times.  He is a proud Canadian, traveler, explorer, and consummate market geek who tells it as he sees it. Warren’s website is and his email address is [email protected]

Warren Bevan Articles

A great week once again but for different reasons than of late.  While we had some amazing gains recently, the key way booking those gains.  It’s sometimes easy to get on board but knowing when to exit is just as important.  Profits do not...
We had another spectacular week while the markets and stocks just won’t  quit.  I hate to rub it in if you’re a suffering mining investor mainly.  Trust me, I feel your pain. I learnt that lesson the hard way in a big way in 2008 and still...
While the precious metals didn’t fare so well this past week, many super moves in stocks did occur making it another just fantastic week for us.  We’re on a huge roll here and I’d like to see it continue but that is up to the market, not...
It was really another amazing week.  We had a great April except the last week while consolidation occurred and we didn’t do much but this past week starting into May has been another great one. Markets set up all week and Friday broke...
All in all we didn’t do much this past week.  Things were pretty quiet after two amazing weeks in a row.  We’re setting up for another move here shortly and markets are looking toppy here. As for gold and silver they had a nice bounce...
Yes, I really do hate to say it but I did tell you so! I’ve been sceptical and bearish on gold and silver in 2013 as soon as the initial low of $1,625 was broken.  We’re now some $150 lower. Today I’d like to focus on a bit of a longer-...
If you’ve been reading my work in 2013 at all, you know I’ve been looking for a move lower in both gold and silver. It finally came this past week and was led by silver. We’ve got silver holding a crucial support level now,  while gold...
This market is amazing! We just keep creeping higher and higher but many stocks are not moving, only select ones, making this a stock pickers market.  I much prefer to see large fast moves and they are few and far between these days. ...
Last week I outlined a very bearish larger picture for the precious metals.  I haven’t seen anything to change that view occur this past week with the exception of palladium. All we are doing now is building a base which should resolve...
Last week I mentioned I was heavily short the markets and many leading stocks.  It worked out well but not as well as I’d hoped.  Once the action begins to change profits have to be locked in and that’s what we did. I do not think we are...

Gold is the official state mineral of Alaska.

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