first majestic silver

Warren Bevan

Warren Bevan is a renowned trader who’s honed his craft over the years learning the styles and techniques of Jesse Livermore, William O’Neil and Dan Zanger and forming his own unique style. He focuses on making money and going hard when the right markets present themselves and during the rest of the time focuses on capital preservation.  He focuses on the leading fast moving stocks during the good times.  He is a proud Canadian, traveler, explorer, and consummate market geek who tells it as he sees it. Warren’s website is and his email address is [email protected]

Warren Bevan Articles

Stocks began to come off resistance areas this week. Effectively, they worked off the extremely overbought readings evident the previous week. Nonetheless, we remain quite overbought. Stocks are setting up much better charts now and I’m...
This week we saw markets run into resistance…as they are more overbought now than we’ve been since 2009. However, we just aren’t yet seeing any weakness that we can short into. I had to take losses on all my short positions first thing...
Stocks ended the week not doing much and remaining in a very overbought range. I remain quite short of some leading stocks. However, we did see several failed breakouts Friday, which does point to some retracement that could be great for...
Markets and stocks reached very overbought readings this past week. Consequently, they are now setting up to either to consolidate and move higher, or move lower. Both scenarios should work off the overbought condition.
A very choppy week for stocks until Friday when the downtrend resumed. I tried several stock trades this past week and took mostly small losses. However, we have two trades which are working very, very well and paying for those losses and...
Another choppy, tough weak with stocks wanting to go higher, then wanting lower…but in the end trying to breakout higher…for now. It’s a tough time to try to trade for sure -- and I’m in an all cash position…but getting tempted.
We’re finally seeing the bounce in markets take place. Moreover, we’ve got a good mix of leading stocks which are moving well -- and tend to give the best bang for the buck in these sharp moves in our portfolio now.
An absolutely horrific week for stock markets with any attempt at a bounce being sold hard with much of the weakness occurring overnight in the futures, which makes it very dangerous to try to trade at the moment.
Lots of chop for markets as we wound down a so-so year. Setups are forming and traders will return this coming week. Consequently, volume will pick back up. And if all goes well, leading stocks will begin to breakout higher with markets...
Markets were choppy waiting for the expected Fed rate rise Wednesday, which came and went and now we’re choppy again but looking as if we may move lower.

In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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