first majestic silver

Stephen Flood

Stephen Flood Articles

Central bank meetings over this week (Bank of Canada and European Central Bank) and next week (Bank of England and Federal Reserve) will almost certainly be centered around what approach the central banks should take regarding rising...
In Business and Finance, Ireland’s leading business magazine, latest CEO Q+A, speak to Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore, about the global economy, debt levels, and making the most of your personal strengths.
It has never been more important to own gold as part of a diversified portfolio. The form your gold investment takes is just as important as owning it in the first place. ETFs and pooled gold may not be functional in extreme markets and...
Gold has surged another 4% this week to bring year to date gains to 20% in dollar terms, 19% in euro terms and 24% in sterling terms. We were interviewed by yesterday afternoon and looked at what is currently driving gold...
The headlines are dramatic, ugly and depressing to anyone who holds gold right now. Broad market sentiment has shifted from disdain and dismissive to highly negative. Hedge funds are shorting gold aggressively, hedge funds that own gold...
A cursory glance at the various financial news media this morning shows nothing particularly unusual for these unusual times. The ECB have paraded a list for stress tested banks and the market shrugged. However, there is a disturbing...

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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