first majestic silver

Adam Hamilton

CPA, Principal & Co-Founder of Zeal LLC

Adam Hamilton, CPA, is a principal of Zeal LLC, which he co-founded in early 2000 as a pro-free market, pro-capitalism, and pro-laissez faire contrarian investing and speculating Information Age financial-services company. Hamilton is a lifelong contrarian student of the markets who lives for studying and trading them.

Adam Hamilton Articles

The precious metals plunged last week, knifing through key support zones to unleash an explosion of bearish sentiment. This troubling heavy selling wasn’t news-driven, it emerged out of the blue. Who was dumping gold and why? Later data...
The lofty US stock markets have stalled out, looking more and more top-heavy with each passing day. This is spawning growing unease among prudent investors, who sense the long-overdue major selloff is nearing. Many are seeking shelter in...
A major selloff is brewing in the lofty US stock markets, which have been grinding sideways for a couple months now. Momentum has faded despite selective positive earnings-season news and Janet Yellen’s jawboning. Stocks remain very...
Gold’s sharp selloffs since mid-March have been mostly driven by American futures speculators’ heavy selling. These traders dramatically slashed their long bets on gold while ramping up their shorts. The resulting deluge of supply...
The lofty stock markets are starting to wobble, with selloffs’ frequency and sharpness increasing. The dominant reason the Fed’s stock levitation is running out of steam is severe overvaluation. Stocks are just far too expensive today...
The American GDX Gold Miners ETF is slowly becoming the de-facto standard for measuring gold-stock performance. Nearing its eighth birthday, GDX has even usurped the venerable HUI gold-stock index as this sector’s metric of choice in many...
Gold stocks have lapsed back to despised status after late March’s sharp selloff. Thanks to their strong 2014 rally before that, traders were slightly warming to this abandoned sector. But despite the rekindled extreme bearishness, gold...
The gold-mining sector is on the verge of flashing the fabled Golden Cross buy signal. This is one of the most powerful and revered indicators in all of technical analysis. When it arrives after the right conditions, it flags the critical...
Gold’s strong rebound upleg this year has been driven by big gold-futures buying. After abandoning gold last year, American futures speculators are returning to the yellow metal in droves. These capital inflows are a very bullish...
Stock-market capital finally started flowing back into the flagship GLD gold ETF for the first time in 14 months in February! Though this buying was small, this is truly a momentous event. Extreme gold-ETF outflows were the dominant...

In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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