first majestic silver

Avi Gilburt

Elliot Wave Technical Analyst & author @ Elliott Wave Trader

Avi Gilburt is a widely followed Elliott Wave technical analyst and author of, a live Trading Room featuring his intraday market analysis (including emini S&P500, metals, oil, USD & VXX), interactive member-analyst forum, and detailed library of Elliott Wave education. You can contact Avi at: [email protected].

Avi Gilburt Articles

Ever since the market crash in February and March of 2020, so many investors, authors and analysts have been on high alert for the next shoe to drop.
While I cannot tell you with certainty that we are about to see a market melt-up, I can tell you that the setup is now in place to melt up to the 4400SPX region through the spring.
I know this is my third article this week, but I have been in Cancun for Passover for the last two weeks, and now that I am back, I have a lot to say. And, as those that read my articles frequently already know, I am about to hit you over...
I really wonder how many of you that read this article entrust your hard-earned money to money managers? My next question is, of those that do, how many of you really understand your money managers' approach to managing money? And, my last...
Every time I branch out to read articles being presented throughout the internet each week, it simply makes me shake or scratch my head. Moreover, I stand in amazement at anyone who attempts to base their investment portfolio upon such...
I am often asked about my perspective regarding fundamentals, and why I see value in some fundamental perspectives and not others. Let me start by posting a tweet by a money manager, which I thought was quite funny, and gave me the idea to...
Oftentimes, I will peruse the articles being published on Seeking Alpha to gain a perspective as to whether others “in the know” are bearish or bullish, and why. But, the “why” aspect is the most entertaining to me.
Over the last 9 years since we opened Elliottwavetrader, I have had the privilege of training thousands of investors, traders and money managers regarding how to appropriately view the stock market from an honest and objective standpoint....
If I see another article calling this market a bubble, or that the crash is coming, or claiming that “the party is over,” I am seriously going to scream. But, I guess we should thank all these article writers as they are adding bricks to...
There are so many false theories and narratives about the dollar and other assets, that I wanted to take a moment to pen an article with facts, rather than the false assumptions that are continually propagated and regurgitated throughout...

According to the Talmud you should keep one-third of your assets each in land, business interests, and gold.

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