first majestic silver

Avi Gilburt

Elliot Wave Technical Analyst & author @ Elliott Wave Trader

Avi Gilburt is a widely followed Elliott Wave technical analyst and author of, a live Trading Room featuring his intraday market analysis (including emini S&P500, metals, oil, USD & VXX), interactive member-analyst forum, and detailed library of Elliott Wave education. You can contact Avi at: [email protected].

Avi Gilburt Articles

As many of you know, I run a trading room with well over 3500 members, including over 450 money managers.  I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly as far as what traders and investors do through the years.  And, no matter how much I...
For those of you who remember the movie Trading Places, this was a famous scene that I always remember when we see emotional reactions in the market after a downdraft.
A new phrase has been added to our lexicon of late, and that is what has become known as "fake news." This new phraseology can be aptly applied to that which is presented by our old friends at the GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) committee.
For those that follow me regularly, you will know that I have been tracking a set up for the GLD as a proxy for gold. I believe that the GLD can outperform the general equity market once we confirm a long term break out has begun, and I...
We have seen downgrade after downgrade on Barrick Gold (ABX) for years. Many keep looking lower and lower, with some even considering that this stalwart in the miners’ complex may even go out of business due to its debt load.
For those that follow me regularly, you will know that I have been tracking a set-up for the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSEARCA:GDX), which I analyze as a proxy for the metals mining market. I also believe that GDX can outperform the...
Following the news continues to be useless. The bears have a downside set up in place. What the bulls need to do to make the bears fumble the ball. Do you think we will ever see a week of market moves associated with news events for which...
Each week, I believe the silliness being espoused as to what moves the market reaches a climax. Yet, the following week somehow always proves me wrong. Two weeks ago, I noted how the pundits claimed the market dropped because of rising...
Whenever I write a new article on the stock market, I usually try to highlight just how ridiculous much of the commentary about the market truly is. My ultimate goal is to force you to think on your own and adopt a more intellectually...
Last weekend (Mar 11), I noted that we needed to stay over 21.60 on Monday and complete 5 waves up to give us a bullish set up going into the Fed announcement.  On Monday, the market gave us our 5 waves up off the prior week’s low, and on...

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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