first majestic silver

Avi Gilburt

Elliot Wave Technical Analyst & author @ Elliott Wave Trader

Avi Gilburt is a widely followed Elliott Wave technical analyst and author of, a live Trading Room featuring his intraday market analysis (including emini S&P500, metals, oil, USD & VXX), interactive member-analyst forum, and detailed library of Elliott Wave education. You can contact Avi at: [email protected].

Avi Gilburt Articles

The metals markets are all now hitting the downside retracement targets for support we have been speaking of and focusing upon since the market confirmed this pullback months ago. The market has positive divergences at the lows we are...
Two weeks ago, I noted that we had a completed pattern to the downside in the equity market and it was time for the equity market bulls to step up. And, boy, did they ever. Now, it is time for the metals bulls to do the same. But, it...
Let’s start by recognizing that there is absolutely no holy grail to investing or trading. Rather, we only deal in probabilities when working within non-linear markets. To that end, there are a multitude of methodologies that are utilized...
Let’s be honest. I am quite sure that you have entered into the foray of the financial markets because you seek profit and you desire to grow your net worth. But, I hear too many people arguing with my articles due to perspectives of...
I look all around me, and those that were bullish have now turned bearish, and those that were bearish are now drooling and foaming at the mouth. What happened to all the bulls?
I think this election has made people go nuts. Not only have people gone over the deep end when it has come to politics, but I think people have gone over the deep end regarding the financial markets.
After recently hitting our 5th anniversary at Elliottwavetrader, and now exceeding 3,000 members, I have learned quite a lot about market participants. For example, the one thing that hurts investors the most is when they lie to...
How many of you approach life expecting “certainty?” How many of you always see all your plans through life work out exactly as you had expected? Think back to just the past year alone, and ask yourself how well those things you were so...
Despite my many warnings against inappropriately using these leveraged vehicles, many investors still view them as an “investment.” Too many people will place their money into these triple leveraged funds expecting that they are going to...
We have many analysts and commenters posting many different perspectives on the metals for years. Some view them as a terrible investment and others view it as the only reasonable investment. I am not going to discuss the merits or...

Gold is widespread in low concentrations in all igneous rocks.

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