first majestic silver

Brien Lundin

Brien Lundin Articles

Gold lost its gains as today’s stock sell-off gained steam, leading to a liquidity crunch and margin calls. Still, the yellow metal is weathering the turmoil very well so far.
Gold is jumping again after a crazy weekend that saw Donald Trump miraculously surviving an assassination attempt. But anyone thinking that’s why gold is moving higher is missing the big picture.
After a rollicking spring rally, gold has settled into a trading range that seems typical for a summertime slowdown. One indicator is now pointing toward a big surprise soon, however.
I’ve covered the gold market and talked about it to investors and media for the better part of 40 years, but I’ve never recommended the metal as urgently as I am now. There are three simple and compelling reasons: Debt…debt…and more debt.
As we predicted, Jerome Powell threw a bucket of cold water on gold and the rest of the markets, and we’re now experiencing sell-offs as expectations reset.
We’ve seen this movie before.Most notably, it occurred in April of 2013, when high-frequency traders (HFTs) pocketed a billion or so dollars by taking the gold price down more than $250 over the course of two trading sessions.They did it...

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds the world's largest accumulation of monetary gold.

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