first majestic silver

Chris Martenson

Chris Martenson Articles

For ten long years, the world’s central banks have dragged everyone along for one last attempt at scaling Mount Credit. At several points along the way, in 2011, in 2013 and then again in 2016 it seemed all but certain that the wrong route...
With the recent plunge in the S&P500 of over 5%, has the long-anticipated (and long-overdue) market correction finally begun? It’s hard to say for certain. But the systemic cracks we've been closely monitoring definitely got an awful...
We are now at the dangerous end-game period of a very bold but very reckless & disappointing experiment with the world’s fiat (unbacked) currencies. If this experiment fails – and we observe it’s in the process of failing – gold will...
The signs of deflation are now flashing all over the globe. In our estimation, the possibility of an associated financial crisis is now dangerously high over the next few months. As we’ve been saying for a while, our preferred model for...
One of our long-running themes here is that the truly historic and massive flows of gold from West to East is (someday) going to stop, for the simple reason that there will be no more physical bullion left to move.
The Fed is busy doing everything in its considerable power to get credit (that is, debt) growing again so that we can get back to what it considers to be “normal.”

The average human body contains 0.2 mg of gold with the bone containing .016 ppm and the liver .0004 ppm.

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