Clive Maund

Technical Analyst & Author

Clive Maund

Clive P. Maund’s interest in markets started when, as an aimless youth searching for direction in his mid-20’s, he inherited some money. Unfortunately it was not enough to live a utopian lifestyle as a playboy or retire very young. Therefore on the advice of his brother, he bought a load of British Petroleum stock, which promptly went up 20% in the space of a few weeks. Clive sold them at the top…which really fired his imagination. The prospect of being able to buy securities and sell them later at a higher price, and make money for doing little or no work was most attractive – and so the quest began, especially as he had been further stoked up by watching from the sidelines with a mixture of fascination and envy as fortunes were made in the roaring gold and silver bull market of the late 70’s.

Clive furthered his education in Technical Analysis or charting by ordering various good books from the US and by applying what he learned at work on an everyday basis. He also obtained the UK Society of Technical Analysts’ Diploma.

The years following 2005 saw the boom phase of the Gold and Silver bull market, until they peaked in late 2011. While there is ongoing debate about whether that was the final high, it is not believed to be because of the continuing global debasement of fiat currency. The bear market since 2011 is viewed as being very similar to the 2-year reaction in the mid-70’s, which was preceded by a powerful advance and was followed by a gigantic parabolic price ramp. Moreover, Precious Metals should come back into their own when the various asset bubbles elsewhere burst, which looks set to happen anytime soon.

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Clive Maund Articles

Gold has been turned back so many times in recent years from the strong resistance approaching the $1400 level, that most investors have now been well trained, like Pavlov’s dog, to expect it like clockwork, and as we know, it is just when...
The Fed didn’t just fold on Wednesday, it crumpled, capitulated. A long time ago we had figured out that when push came to shove, this is what it would do. However, we thought that it would take a market crash to force it to change course...
Tanzanian Royalty stock is right now regarded as selling at an extraordinarily low bargain price. There are several important reasons for this. One is that several years back it (and other key mining stocks) suffered from an orchestrated...
Having watched Van Helsing I thought "There must be a way to work this stuff into chart analysis" and there is, for tomorrow night there is a "Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse" which might synchronize with a reversal in the markets.
The last update was wrong. Gold was expected to drop with the stockmarket, but instead it rose. Being wrong in this business is not a crime, but it is vital to recognize the error as soon as possible and make a course correction, and if...
We are going to start this update on a positive note by pointing out that the gold to silver ratio recently reached a 24-year record extreme as shown by the 20-year chart for this ratio below, which alone is a sign that the sector is close...
Would you go down to the railroad track and stand in front of an oncoming express train? Probably not, yet that is what many investors are doing, metaphorically speaking, by remaining long the stockmarket at this time.
The Precious Metals sector continues to be viewed with disdain and skepticism by the vast majority of investors, which is exactly what you want and expect to see at the earliest stages of a major bullmarket. However, the charts continue to...
Thursday last week was a momentous day for the Precious Metals sector with gold, GDX and other índices, and giant gold ETF, GLD all breaking out on impressive volume, and this development was all the more extraordinary because it happened...
There are times in life when being alarmed is actually a healthy defense mechanism that gives you an advantage over the many for whom "ignorance is bliss." This is one of those times.

India is perennially the world’s largest gold consumer.

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