first majestic silver


Consensus Articles

If stocks have changed direction, where can you put your assets? Interestingly, the flight to quality has been substantially delayed by hope. We all keep hoping equities will recover. In the meantime, the Gold Council has launched a multi-...
I am sure that you listen to the various investment programs on national TV. I do, because I want to know the prevailing, majority view. Invariably, what most analysts think is going to be wrong. The most often heard opinion now is that...
Gold is looking better all the time. A perfunctory look at the accompanying charts prove the, shall we say, omniscience of the call.
Since September 11th, I have suggested that the investment emphasis was poised for change. This was not based upon the terrorist attack alone, however the new war does serve to accelerate and expand the mood swing. The foundation for our...
Lingering Questions 100% in stocks 0% in cash Indicators Short-Term Indicators--Bonds - bullish; Stocks - bullish; Gold - bearish. Gold
If the economy is in such a slump, why are so many people buying cars? This was the question as the Dow Jones Industrials surged back above 10000 with the announcement that auto sales increased by almost 3% as General Motors finally led...
Call it Middle East tension. Call it economic uncertainty. Call it a flight to quality. Or, call it, " It's about time!" Absent inflation, gold has managed to pop from a February 2001 low of about $255 to a current April futures above $300...
Econ 101 courses around the world teach that central bankers cannot fine-tune their economies with monetary policy. The tools of monetary policy are generally considered blunt instruments, incapable of the necessary precision. Text books...
After interest in gold died down with the last failure to push above $300 resistance, suddenly, the metal wakes up to no fundamentals. While analysts attempt to tie this latest rally to rising energy prices and the big boost in consumer...

According to the Talmud you should keep one-third of your assets each in land, business interests, and gold.

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