Craig Hemke

Editor & Publisher @ TF Metals Report

Craig HemkeCraig Hemke began his career in financial services in 1990 but retired in 2008 to focus on family and entrepreneurial opportunities. Since 2010, he has been the editor and publisher of the TF Metals Report found at, an online community for precious metal investors.

Craig Hemke Articles

The next update on the U.S. jobs market is due this Friday, and much will be made about whether or not it provides enough evidence for The Fed to begin tapering its current QE program. Of course, our concern is: how will the precious...
As the FOMC meets over the next two days, the markets look to Fed Chairman Powell and ask: "What's it gonna be boy? Yes or no?" And whichever answer Powell provides on Wednesday via his fedlines and press conference will likely determine...
So what did Powell say? Perhaps more importantly, what did he not say? And what happens next? Let's discuss that today and begin to look ahead.
All eyes this week will be on Fed Chairman Powell when he addresses The Fed's annual central banking conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, as whatever Powell says (or doesn't say) about monetary policy will set the tone for the COMEX...
It has been a very challenging year for precious metals investors, and our struggles may continue a while longer. However, all is not lost and we are not yet doomed to repeat the pattern from 2013-2018.
Some of you will question why it's valuable to document the obvious price-rigging by The Banks. The answer? Because remarkably there are still "analysts", many of whom the precious metals community hold in high regard, who claim the...
If there is anything positive about 21st century finance, it's that the internet allows you to find all sorts of analysis to consider. Back in the day, you were stuck with the ravings of your commission-hungry stockbroker and his sell-side...
Longtime precious metals observers know that positions in COMEX gold always ebb and flow with price and position extremes often mark price highs and lows. This "washing" of the Commitment of Traders report is something we should discuss...
Once again, it was the "escalator up and elevator shaft down" for the COMEX digital metals. What does this mean for price moving forward and into the second half of 2021?
Over the past several months, we've written on multiple occasions about the issues and loopholes within the global unallocated gold market. This fractional reserve system risks collapse with every run on true physical metal, and recent...

The 1849 Gold Rush sped up California's admission to the Union as the 31st state in that year.

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