Dan Amoss

Dan Amoss, CFA, is a student of the Austrian school of economics, a discipline that he uses to identify imbalances in specific sectors of the market. He tracks aggressive accounting and other red flags that the market typically misses. Amoss is a Maryland native, a graduate of Loyola University Maryland, and earned his CFA charter in 2005. In spring 2008, he recommended Lehman Brothers puts, advising readers to hold the position as the stock fell from $45 to $12. Amoss is managing editor of the Strategic Short Report.

Dan Amoss Articles

If you’ve been wondering if the Fed will ever destroy the trillions of dollars it has printed since 2008, wonder no more… Since 2007, the U.S. monetary base has soared from $800 billion to $3.7 trillion. Such unprecedented inflation is...

Gold is the official state mineral of Alaska.

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