first majestic silver

Gary Tanashian

Founder & Editor @

Gary Tanashian is founder and editor of the popular Notes from the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH). Gary successfully owned and operated a progressive medical component manufacturing company for 21 years, keeping the company’s fundamentals in alignment with global economic realities through various economic cycles. The natural progression from this experience is an understanding of and appreciation for global macro-economics as it relates to individual markets and sectors.

Gary Tanashian Articles

The NFTRH big picture view for gold has been bullish since calling a top in mid-2020. Pardon the promotional sound of the title. I realize it, and I’m putting it up there anyway. There is a time for temperance and there is a time for...
With an understanding that there is always much more in play than nominal charts (the macro & sector fundamentals for example, which bounced of late but never did definitively flip positive), let’s review said nominal charts of gold,...
An update of the gold stock bounce: As a TA, I respect charts first and foremost. On occasion that respect has burned me as I’ve missed big profit opportunity or not seen a disaster unfolding that the charts missed. But much more often it...
While I hold a special place (in my thoughts and in NFTRH) for the gold stock sector due to its counter-cyclical nature, it’s a big market out there and a strategic view of the macro helps with successful positioning. Following is a...
Gold calmly continues cobbling its Handle, Miners lay in wait You see, there is all this noise out there. It comes mostly from inflationists touting gold in the same breath as copper, as oil, and as commodities of all flavors (and aside...
US dollar (DXY) has activated its Inverted H&S, Gold/Silver maintains its uptrend, watch silver going foward… I do not make predictions because I do not pretend to be a guru.* But NFTRH has been tracking what has been an uptrend in the...
Upon completing the article I realized that no forward look at the economy and financial markets from an inflationary/deflationary point of view would be complete without consideration of the Yield Curve. Here is its status at the time of...
Gold has been clobbered lately but a key metallic macro indicator remains in a long-term congestion zone. If it’s going to be cyclical ‘inflation ON’ we’d expect Cu/Au to break through and do what it has not done since a major inflation...
Our 30 year Treasury yield ‘Continuum’ chart indicates that deflation is the dominant trend, but… Steve Saville has written a post that got me thinking about carts and horses and more precisely, which comes before which. Is the...
The ‘but’ is the old saying “markets can remain [seemingly] irrational longer than you can remain solvent” if you fight a trend that is intact at any given point. Since March, 2020 that trend has been up.

Gold is impervious to rust.

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