first majestic silver

Gary Tanashian

Founder & Editor @

Gary Tanashian is founder and editor of the popular Notes from the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH). Gary successfully owned and operated a progressive medical component manufacturing company for 21 years, keeping the company’s fundamentals in alignment with global economic realities through various economic cycles. The natural progression from this experience is an understanding of and appreciation for global macro-economics as it relates to individual markets and sectors.

Gary Tanashian Articles

Views of gold in relation to other markets and brief summaries thereof, with a focus on how it relates to the gold mining sector and the inflationary macro to come.
Toined the macro, that is (in Moe’s Brooklyn accent). Step by step… A rising Gold/Silver ratio preceded the March disaster, made an ill-fated bounce pattern in May-June and then got hammered by the 24/7 liquidity spigots opened up by a...
I want to try to answer a subscriber’s question as clearly as I can because it really does seem to be more confusing than it actually is. It’s always made sense to me but I understand there is a promotion machine out there selling...
Our hard working miner here (we’ll call him Huey) has been pushing his cart of rocks, first gently downhill from 2016 to 2018 and then uphill to a bull market since May 2019.
Gold stocks have led the market for a year, and with economic deceleration and Fed policy response that leadership looks to continue [edit: today’s ‘in the bag’ bounce-back Jobs report does little to alter the economic deceleration theme]
The HUI Gold Bugs index has over the last 2 decades (encompassing both bull and bear markets) tended to bottom in July per‘s data for the index. A seasonal average is not a directive, but it is a (+/-) guide to be factored...
Before updating the status of the gold miner (HUI) correction, let’s take a quick review of the Macrocosm, because it’s always a good time to be clear on important macro considerations.
So here we are, with the sector leading the recovery out of the March crash during still-deflationary times. Inflation? It is not yet anywhere to be found, and that probably has a lot of inflation-centric would-be gold boosters on the...
I think the case is closed, or it should be closed. But with firmly ingrained perceptions passed down from one generation of inflationist gold bugs to the next, you never know. Remember the old dismissive “gold is silver is copper is tin...
It’s a good Friday because I get to start my weekend work earlier. Many people temporarily have no weekends because they are huddled at home as one day bleeds into the next amid the global pandemic. Monday is Thursday is Saturday. Good...

Palladium, platinum and silver are the most common substitutes for gold that closely retain its desired properties.

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