first majestic silver

Gary Tanashian

Founder & Editor @

Gary Tanashian is founder and editor of the popular Notes from the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH). Gary successfully owned and operated a progressive medical component manufacturing company for 21 years, keeping the company’s fundamentals in alignment with global economic realities through various economic cycles. The natural progression from this experience is an understanding of and appreciation for global macro-economics as it relates to individual markets and sectors.

Gary Tanashian Articles

We have been working a theme lately about the mania going on in US stocks (some valuations are not overly manic but policy sure is, and also the one going on in the mirror (a fun house mirror at that) in the ugly precious metals sector.
The weekly chart of the HUI Gold Bugs index asks a question we have been reviewing inNFTRH for some time now; is the bottoming situation implied by the up-triggered weekly MACD (and confirming TRIX) a ‘W’ bottom in the making that saw its...
Policy, Profits and Propping… that is without a doubt the underlying fundamental support for a massive and growing phase of market speculation that becomes more dangerous with every week that it lurches forward
Ever since the current (final wave 5?) leg in the now 4 year, 7 month old US stock bull market generated in November of 2012, NFTRH has tried to make the point that there is no new secular bull market in US stocks. Indeed, there is a...
Would it make monetary insurance (gold) any less important if a new positive economic era has been created? In my opinion no, because as a rational market viewer I see the mechanics of any new bull era and deduce that its arrival would...
What is it about gold that makes people view it differently than any other asset class, creating an almost religious fixation* on the metal? As long-term monetary insurance, you would think that it would be among the more boring items;...
In the interest of simplicity there will be little talk of support, resistance, volume and measured objectives in this segment of the service. In short, all we want to know with these charts is ‘are they on bull, bear or neutral signals...
Inflation spigots are open and running 24/7…and an economy that needs to purge the excesses keeps resisting the inflation…Within this, we are in a phase where policy makers appear effective because at the margins the economy is creeping...
Last week’s opening title was ‘Get Ready for a Climax to the ‘Taper’ Hype’ and boy did it ever climax. The FOMC rolled over and the market over reacted. Everybody it seems (bears, bulls, inflationists, deflationists, gold bugs; everybody...
The media love to get a hold of buzz words and then give them a spin and a life all their own. Recent examples were the mainstream media’s presentation of ‘Operation Twist’ – which was simply an official yield curve manipulation designed...

Nevada accounts for 75% of U.S. gold production.

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