first majestic silver

GE Christenson

Market Analyst, Author, and Founder of The Deviant Investor

Gary ChristensonGary Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site Deviant Investor and the author of the book, “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 – 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business manager with 30 years of experience studying markets, investing, and trading. He writes about investing, gold, silver, the economy and central banking.

GE Christenson Articles

The banking cartel, central banks and governments create debts – dollars, yen, pounds, and euros and inject them into economies. Those new currency units make existing units less valuable. They purchase less—called devaluation—and prices...
The sun will rise. Destruction is not inevitable. Self-destructive behaviors affect individuals, cities and nations. They include opioid addictions, alcohol abuse, excessive debt, corruption, negative interest rates, chemically poisoned...
Buy gold for insurance against fiscal and monetary predations of central bankers, commercial banking and government. Yes – certainly! Buy silver for insurance, profit and beautiful coins. Yes! Buy both to own real money that has no counter...
Bond Market Turned Down & Interest Rates Up – Check! Housing Market Turned Down – Check! Stock Markets Turned Down—Check! Debt Crisis In Progress—Check! Currencies Collapse—More Coming?
Wall Street cheerleaders assure everyone stocks go up in the long term. Yes, they rise because the dollar is devalued every year, which they seldom discuss. Their cheerleaders avoid stating that corrections and crashes occur every five to...
Gold prices (weekly chart) formed an impressive inverse head and shoulders formation during a five-year base. Gold prices, which bottomed in December 2015, should climb the wall of worry.
One hundred years ago certificates backed by gold and silver as well as gold and silver coins circulated as real money. Sadly, today’s currencies are debts issued by central banks, not real money. The Fed (U.S. central bank) issues Federal...
Analysts use this ratio to describe how inexpensive silver is compared to gold—like now. They also use the ratio to show long-term buy zones for both metals.
The economic world is always changing, but the 2018-2019 period will mark an important transition. Consider credit market debt, interest rates, stock indices, individual stocks, and several ratios.
Rules help guide us through uncertainty. THOSE WHO MAKE THE RULES. For perspective on Washington D.C. and Wall Street, we listen to wisdom and wit from Bill Bonner: “We look at the passing parade in Washington through a cynical lens…

Gold is used in following industries: Jewelry, Financial, Electronics, Computers, Dentistry, Medicine, Awards, Aerospace and Glassmaking.

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