first majestic silver

Harry Bingham

Harry Bingham Articles

During the past week the gold price was virtually unchanged, but since its February 8th high gold has declined $13.40 to $290.10 an ounce. The immediate causes seem to have been the German announcement that it might sell some gold after...
Following six days of steady advances gold reached a closing high of $303.50 an ounce on February 8th. Resistance and profit taking set in, and gold declined moderately to $299 an ounce on Friday, still up 6% for the month to date. Gold...
January 2002 surely will be known as "The Month That Was." This month encompassed the denouement of the Enron saga, as well as the anticlimax of the Argentine peso and the disparagement of the absurd currency board concept which had...
It seems only yesterday, we were hearing a lot about a new era, but now we are actually living in one, not because of Sept. 11th, which is not an occasion to be used to promote self interest. The extirpation of the terrorists is not likely...
Words pale, if not fail, in the aftermath of the September 11th tragedy and continuing terrorism. These are not occasions to be used to promote self interests. The battles transpiring conform to the Constitutional provision that empowers...
Gold mainly meandered through a narrow range, but as of today is down $4.00 to $272.10 an ounce since our August 20 update. Generallyspeaking, gold has been tracking the dollar, but at a lesser magnitude than the euro and yen. So far...
The gold market came to life during the eight trading days through Friday, rising $ll.90 to $280.50 an ounce. Both volume and open interest, which had declined to historical lows, rose with rising prices. Despite mysterious selling from...
Following gold's $25 rise in less than five trading days a normal correction was abetted by rumor that Russia might sell gold to aid Siberian flood victims. A Thursday rally was turned into a decline that extended into Friday. A denial...
Last week gold broke through two technical resistance prices, and today fell back, as might be expected, after piercing the $292 an ounce resistance point. Last week gold rose $19.60 an ounce to close at $287.40 an ounce. Virtually all of...
Notwithstanding vast differences, gold, paper and credit have one common feature which is that virtually all the gold that has been produced and most of the paper instruments that have been issued are still outstanding. For paper this...

The average human body contains 0.2 mg of gold with the bone containing .016 ppm and the liver .0004 ppm.

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