first majestic silver

Jason Hamlin

Investment Analyst & Founder of Nicoya Research

Jason Hamlin

Jason Hamlin is the founder of Nicoya Research and has been publishing investment research at since 2006. His background is in data analytics for the world’s largest market research firm. Jason consulted to Fortune 500 companies around the globe, including Nestlé, Johnson & Johnson and Del Monte. Jason eventually left the corporate world and leveraged his analytical skills to trade stocks successfully full-time. Jason is a contrarian, cycles investor and student of Austrian economics. He is a proponent of sound money, limited government, decentralization of power and the non-aggression principle (NAP). His website is at You can reach Jason at:

Jason Hamlin Articles

Investors worldwide have been on pins and needles in eager anticipation of a speech from our economic overlords. Friday morning FED chair Yellen finally opened her mouth and said a whole lot of nothing.
Gold and silver prices ran out of momentum during the first week of July -- and have been drifting lower ever since. A deeper correction seems like a realistic expectation, but precious metals are showing strong signs of resiliency. Here...
Investor psychology is an interesting phenomenon to study. Despite the obviously negative implications, a large percentage of investors have a tendency to buy high and sell low. When the price has been rising and everyone is bullish, they...
Precious metals have posted their best quarter in nearly 30 years and mining stocks are soaring from oversold multi-year lows. Those that were willing to buy when everyone else was selling have been handsomely rewarded in 2016. But we...
The gold price advanced sharply during the first three months of 2016 (+16%), marking its best quarter in 30 years. However, it corrected from a high around $1,287 to $1,200 over the past few weeks. There was a nice bounce yesterday, but...
Investment guru Harry Dent has made quite a few predictions since his start in the 1980’s. He has certainly been correct a few times and had to backtrack several other times. In early 2013, he predicted a financial crash will begin between...
We have been predicting for months that the FED would not be able to raise rates as aggressively as the market was expecting. Thus, we have been long gold and mining stocks believing that a reset in expectations for how fast the FED would...
The odds that the gold price has bottomed have increased significantly over the past month. When gold first dropped below key technical support at the 2015 low of $1,072 in late November, I initially turned bearish. After all, this breach...
Sentiment towards gold has been so bearish lately that you might think the yellow metal declined by 50% or more during 2015. While it was down 11% in US dollar terms, gold actually advanced in most major currencies during the past year....
Despite my hesitation writing another piece like this, love seem to love prediction articles. It used to be easier an easier task to simply identify and go with the trends, but so much is now up to the whims of our central planners that it...

USA has the world’s largest holdings of gold: 8,134 - representing 77% of its Total Foreign Reserves.

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