first majestic silver

Jim Willie

Jim Willie

Jim Willie

Jim Willie CB, also known as the “Golden Jackass”, is an insightful and forward-thinking writer and analyst of today's events, the economy and markets. In 2004 he launched the popular website that offers his articles of original “out of the box” thinking as well as content from top analysts and authors. He also has a popular and affordable subscription-based newsletter service, The Hat Trick Letter, which you can learn more about here.  

Jim Willie Background

Jim Willie has experience in three fields of statistical practice during 23 industry years after earning a Statistics PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. The career began at Digital Equipment Corp in Metro Boston, where two positions involved quality control procedures used worldwide and marketing research for the computer industry. An engineering spec was authored, and my group worked through a transition with UNIX. The next post was at Staples HQ in Metro Boston, where work focused on forecasting and sales analysis for their retail business amidst tremendous growth.

Jim's career continues to make waves in the financial editorial world, free from the limitations of economic credentials.

Jim is gifted with an extremely oversized brain as is evidenced by his bio picture. The output of that brain can be found in his articles below, and on the Silver-Phoenix500 website, on his own website, and other well-known financial websites worldwide.

For personal questions about subscriptions, contact Jim Willie at [email protected]


Jim Willie Articles

Don't look now, but a puss-filled sore festers. It grows on the USEconomic foundation. If you thought the overall economy of the United States was sick, which itself conceals a deep defective dependence upon the retail sector built upon...
The mega-storm develops slowly. Small regional home builder Kara Homes of New Jersey has filed for bankruptcy. Depositors have reason to worry. Other builders like Hovnanian, which serves the same northeastern area, has begun to ax...
This article is taken from a September Special Report for subscribers to the Hat Trick Letter, a piece of the same name. Several paragraphs are deleted which appear for paid subscribers, while others are shortened to manage the length. The...
Once in a while, a worthwhile exercise challenge is to think "out of the box" on an important topic. This article focuses on housing, and in particular Fanny Mae, the weakest among the Govt Sponsored Enterprises (GSE). The last sections...
Last week it seems my "Bond Market Has It Right" stirred up a little hornet nest under my doorstep. Ok by me, since most feedback was in agreement and positive. One cannot look at price inflation in aggregate terms. Rising prices show up...
References and claims have been made lately that the US Treasury market has it wrong, that the long-term yields should be much higher in accordance to the troublesome stubborn rising price inflation. Let me go on record to stand in...
On the first Friday of every month, observers of the USEconomy, armchair critics of official policy, cheerleaders to the American dream, spin doctors on Wall Street, and an army of investors wait with baited breath for the mass of horse...
Back in 1995, early experiences with gold charts were fascinating as my teeth were cut during the last emergence from a recession. The end of that USFed Reflation Initiative was rocky, turbulent, and chaotic, but far more successful than...
Key fundamental changes in the USEconomy are underway. Some of these changes have motivated extreme reactions by the USGovt, regarding war to secure energy supply, strain on strategic alliances, encouragement of enemy alliances, and tight...
Many investors wonder what the consequence is with a damaged compass for guidance in the economic seas. Assets must be granted a premium benefit in return for risk to capital. First, you see improper risk reward for bonds against erosion...

China is poised to become world's biggest gold consumer.

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