first majestic silver

John Rubino

John Rubino Articles

China's historic post-2009 debt binge flew largely under the radar -- fooling most observers into thinking the global economy was recovering rather than just re-leveraging.
These are shockingly bad times for big banks, especially when you consider that the overall economy is supposed to be fairly healthy. The latest example is Germany’s Deutsche Bank:
First it was the banks reporting horrendous numbers - largely, we were told, because of their exposure to recently-cratered energy companies. Now it's Big Tech, which is a much harder thing to explain. The FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon,...
Coming into this corporate earnings season, everyone seemed to expect disappointment. But they thought it would come from the energy sector and the banks that had lent that sector way too much money (see Goldman Sachs is a flattened slug).
For years now, the easiest way to finesse a debate over whether precious metals markets are manipulated has been to say, "Well, if they're not manipulated they're the only market that isn't."
Back in 2014, online bullion dealer Tulving shocked its many customers by suddenly failing. See Coinweek's story: How does $40M of Gold and Silver Disappear: The Collapse of Tulving Company
In that deservedly-famous 2006 CNBC debate between Peter Schiff and economist Arthur Laffer (in which the latter manages to be both arrogant and wrong about literally everything), Laffer celebrates the fact that "we are outsourcing our...
Suddenly, the gold price and silver are good again. In two short months, they’ve morphed from targets of derision to shiny new toys on the financial playground. Not surprisingly, questions have been pouring in from people who kind-of sort-...
It appears that Great Britain might actually do the until-recently-unthinkable, and leave the European Union. The reasons for this dramatic break-up are many, and can be Googled easily enough. For our purposes, suffice to say that traders...
For banks, the recent news is pretty grim. But it's about to get much worse, based on the following: Yield Curve Flattens: Now 10-Year Yields Just 1% More than 2-Year

Goldschläger and Goldwasser are liqueurs containing pure gold flakes.

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