first majestic silver

John Rubino

John Rubino Articles

Elliott Wave International recently put together a chart (click here or on the chart to watch the accompanying video) that illustrates a recurring theme of financial bubbles: When good times have gone on for a sufficiently long time,...
A new bond issue from Chicago is rated AAA. That’s great because it means the city’s finances are on the mend, right? Nope, just the opposite. Here’s the story: Bondholders fret as alchemy turns Chicago’s junk to gold
Normally winter is a good time for gold, with men buying their significant others jewelry for Christmas and lots of New Year’s Day marriage proposals. Here’s an overview of the dynamic from Adam Hamilton of Zeal Intelligence:
Eventually physical demand for precious metals will swamp the games being played in the paper (i.e., futures contract) markets. So every time the commitment of traders report (COT), which tracks those paper games, turns bearish while gold...
That didn’t take long at all. Just a few weeks after the Commitment of Traders (COT) Reports for gold and silver turned positive – setting off a nice rally in both metals’ prices – this indicator has flipped back to strongly negative.
Of all the mini-bubbles now inflating out there, maybe the least explicable is the race among emerging market companies to borrow dollars. This has gotten them – and their governments — in huge trouble so many times in the past (see the ...
Back in the 1990s when businesses started going online they frequently didn’t realize that their new networking gear came with simple default passwords like “admin”. So a whole generation of early hackers simply scanned the web for...
When the history of these times is written, former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan will be one of the major villains, but also one of the greatest mysteries. This is so because he has, in effect, been three different people.
You’d think that by now every relevant measure of stock market overvaluation would have been converted into a chart and circulated throughout the blogosphere. But Zero Hedge has come up with a new one depicting how long the typical wage...
Fund manager John Hussman is always good for dramatic charts. Here’s a recent one, and this ratio is even scarier than it looks, says Hussman:

Minting of gold in the U.S. stopped in 1933, during the Great Depression.

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