Lawrence (Lawrie) Williams

Lawrence (Lawrie) Williams has been involved with both the technical and the financial end of the mining sector for over 40 years, formerly CEO of top mining industry business publisher, Mining Journal Limited, he was Mineweb's General Manager and Editorial Director up until October 2012 and is now Consultant Editor. He has worked as a mining engineer on gold, platinum, uranium and copper mining operations.

Lawrence (Lawrie) Williams Articles

One of the big questions which the gold sector may be asking is what is the low gold price doing to Chinese demand. Have the Chinese become disillusioned with gold given they piled in so strongly in 2013, when Shanghai Gold Exchange...
Many Swiss gold exports continue to show key proportion of mainland Chinese gold imports are bypassing Hong Kong altogether. Switzerland is the largest conduit for global gold exports with a number of refineries specialising in importing...
Earlier this week I penned an article based on a talk by Ken Hoffmann, Bloomberg’s Global Head of Metals & Mining Research at the Global Mining Finance Precious and Base Metals Conference in London. This was published on Mineweb and...
China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange has announced that the nation is to bring its Current Account reporting in line with International Monetary Fund standards. This will mean that all its reserve assets, including its gold...
Recent Reuters headline: China’s gold imports from Hong Kong dipped to 7-month low. The brief article which followed implied that Chinese gold demand was also dropping in commenting that Honk Kong imports remain a proxy for Chinese gold...
To become part of the IMF’s SDR basket, China will almost certainly have to unpeg its currency from the US dollar. A massive increase in its gold reserve may be an integral part of this process.
If one is happy to take GFMS figures as providing a consistent ranking on global gold demand figures (although some would dispute them) we should be able to rest the argument as to which country – China or India – was the world’s No. 1...
There is little or no transparency in the way central banks report national gold reserves to the IMF. China has 1,054.1 tonnes of gold in its official reserves. Yeah right! The USA has 8,133.5 tonnes in its reserves – the world’s largest....
Since writing yesterday’s article on skepticism regarding central bank gold reporting (see: Does any nation hold the gold it says it does?), I have had my attention drawn to the publication by The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA)...
There is considerable dissension in the analytical sector over what actually constitutes China’s real gold demand. On the one hand we have what the mainstream analysts record as Chinese consumption, which comes in at somewhere between 800...

China is poised to become world's biggest gold consumer.

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