Michael Noonan


Michael Noonan, of Edgetraderplus, is a chart analyst with 30 years experience in the futures markets.  His focus is entirely on reading developing market activity in the form of price and volume, to better understand what the markets are saying coming from what is the best source of all information: the market itself. His website is http://edgetraderplus.com.

Michael Noonan Articles

Last week, we lamented how difficult it was to get a fix on the so many things going on in the world, and going wrong. It occurs to us that we are all in the midst of the New World Order going about business as usual,
The developing events over the past few months are so varied, seemingly unrelated but are all tied in, just not in a cognitive manner that makes sense. Moreover, almost all them are based upon lies by one government after another, the...
Not in 2013, not in 2014, and so far, nothing positive for the price of gold and silver has developed in what looks like for the balance of 2015. Most of the highly regarded gold and silver sites and bloggers have been expecting an...
It is reasons such as these, below, that drives the importance of owning and holding physical silver and gold. The fundamental reasons everyone already knows exists but do not apply are important, but the power of the elites to rule over...
Step back for a moment and absorb what just transpired in the ongoing Greek tragedy that refuses to go away. Greece, with no possibility of ever repaying its fictitious debts to the EU, and the EU, in all of its greed and avarice, for no...
All the world is indeed a stage. And what is unfolding is a worsening tragicomedy…and it is under the direction of the elites through their debt enslavement [un]known by the world as fiat currency. The unelected “officials” in the EU are...
While not many pay any attention to these two larger time frames, especially the Quarterly, both are more controlling and receive greater attention from smart money players. These time frames are not at all used for market timing, but...
Last year, the rage was the record-setting number of coins various mints were selling to the public, such an incredible demand that would surely impact the demand factor for gold and silver. Then the focus changed to how many tones China...
We live in a dysfunctional world. The entire United States media, TV, radio, and print are massive purveyors of misinformation and lies. The truth is not allowed to exist, which is incredibly ironic, for when the public is told the truth...
Americans labor under the misguided belief that they have freedom, and by extension, freedom of choice. This simply is not true. Corporations are dictating more and more how Americans live, what to think, what to eat, and more. Google...

The King James Bible mentions gold 417 times. Not once does it mention a paper currency.

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