Michael Noonan


Michael Noonan, of Edgetraderplus, is a chart analyst with 30 years experience in the futures markets.  His focus is entirely on reading developing market activity in the form of price and volume, to better understand what the markets are saying coming from what is the best source of all information: the market itself. His website is http://edgetraderplus.com.

Michael Noonan Articles

Memo To Central Bankers: How dumb can you be? What better way to expose your naked short backside than to trash a market with known world-wide demand? So arrogant, so parochial. The world thanks you. The bullion dealers thank you. The...
Memo To Central Bankers: How dumb can you be? What better way to expose your naked short backside than to trash a market with known world-wide demand? So arrogant, so parochial. The world thanks you. The bullion dealers thank you. The...
What happened?! is the question so many are asking about Friday’s waterfall in prices. A better question is, “Why?”  Outside of the insiders, no one really knows.  Yes, there can be some fairly cogent explanations, lots of glib answers,...
Salivating Bears have been calling for a market top for over 4 years, now, and none have been right.  The sentiment is understood but misplaced.  This goes to show how markets are not predictable, but people are.  So many want to exercise...
Charts do not lie.  There are a slew of highly respected PMs “gurus” with extensive followings.  None we know of have been on  target in the past year.  Not only are the trends still down, prices made new recent lows, again, within the...
Cyprus is a trial balloon for the NWO, taking a small country that can more easily be controlled, putting the financial screws to bank depositors and then watching how it all unfolds, creating a playbook for future bank raids.  How did the...
It used to be that March Madness was about the best basketball at the college level. Now it is about “Bankers Gone Wild!”  If Cyprus is not the final nail in the coffin for trust in bankers, then you should put all your available funds...
It used to be that March Madness was about the best basketball at the college level. Now it is about “Bankers Gone Wild!”  If Cyprus is not the final nail in the coffin for trust in bankers, then you should put all your available funds...

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