Michael Noonan


Michael Noonan, of Edgetraderplus, is a chart analyst with 30 years experience in the futures markets.  His focus is entirely on reading developing market activity in the form of price and volume, to better understand what the markets are saying coming from what is the best source of all information: the market itself. His website is http://edgetraderplus.com.

Michael Noonan Articles

We often see comments to the effect of interest in gold miner stocks as a play on gold. Ten days ago, we did an analysis of silver-related stocks, Taking Stock of Silver Stocks, looking at SLW, PAAS, CDE, AG, SSRI, and HL. While many...
Bankers can and will steal your cash, but there is no way they can take your personally owned and personally held gold and silver. The ongoing plan for 2014 is to buy and hold even more gold and silver and reduce your exposure to cash...
The fundamentals for gold and silver worsen with each passing week, it seems, yet the price for gold and silver still languish in down trends. If everything is as precarious as is depicted in so many other articles citing how PMs are in...
So far, January 2014 has become a part of the failed rally for gold and silver that was so widely expected in 2013. That has not stopped the renewed enthusiasm for 2014 being THE year for the long awaited rally-to-the-sky. Anyone who...
What will it take to turn the gold market around? One would think it would be obvious that fundamentals are not the answer, while so many believe that fundamentals rule. We are reminded of the fundamentalists, especially “value investors...
Here is some very cogent rationale for owning gold and silver. None pertain to the ever-ending reasons that demonstrate great demand. Everyone has been hearing about them in a steady stream for the past year, and the impact on the market...
China represents the East, as its insatiable demand for buying physical gold continues unabated, while in the West, the elite’s central banks have pretty much depleted their physical holdings. In the war for gold, both are still winning,...
2013 comes to an end, and with it all those calls for gold and silver to be at much higher price levels. What will 2014 bring? More and more renewed calls for much higher price levels. Will 2014 be the year?
Part of the reasoning for the price of gold to attain levels that are multiples of the current price, sometime into the future, [too late for those who have been calling for much higher gold prices in 2013], is the Federal Reserve central...
We had planned on writing about China’s emergence as the world’s new superpower, while the United States keeps sliding into Third World status, but we cannot escape the more cogent political implications/ramifications of the diverging...

A single ounce of gold (about 28 grams) can be stretched into a gold thread 5 miles (8 kilometers) long.

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