first majestic silver

Michael Noonan


Michael Noonan, of Edgetraderplus, is a chart analyst with 30 years experience in the futures markets.  His focus is entirely on reading developing market activity in the form of price and volume, to better understand what the markets are saying coming from what is the best source of all information: the market itself. His website is

Michael Noonan Articles

If you never read a newspaper, listened to television/radio, or read any one of the numerous blogs that exist and were left with just charts to look at, the information contained in the them would put you head and shoulders above everyone...
Pick your poison for knowing what news is impacting gold and silver these days. Both have been in year-long TRs, [Trading Range], within a broader down trend context. That may be in the process of changing, but change takes time to turn...
Despite a decent rally in both gold and silver over the past 7 trading days, [TDs], both remain in bear market conditions, overall. This should hold true for however many more months, or years that the war-breathing, fiat-issuing federal...
In a break from a thematic undertone to link to gold and silver, here are some ramblings that are more underpinnings to the core problems that have left people unfocused and dealing with symptoms, no matter how they may seemingly appear to...
The world has never been in a position like this before, where all global currencies are fiat and dependent upon central banker power. The push for a New World Order is inexorable, and make no mistake, the monied elites are fully in...
Animal Farm and 1984, meet 2014. The Western world no longer makes any sense, and common sense has been sidelined for decades. It is lies, deceit, and debt ruling supreme. The “American Way” [which once was a standard for emulation] is now...
It certainly started out as central bank manipulation, doing everything possible to cover their theft and resulting deficiency of replaceable physical gold.
Based on several thousand years of history, and based on the last 100 years of fiats, gold will continue to rise as a store of value, and almost all fiats will fail, massively. Which fiats will continue? The Yuan and the Ruble, for two....
The elites want war. Will they get war? In the past, it was a slam dunk. There was no nation strong enough to oppose the elite’s weapons of mass destruction, aka debt and the US military. How things have changed. The failed Western...
The modus operandi of the elites is to create chaos, preferably in the form of [profitable for them] war. Their purpose is to create major headaches for governments and people. The next step is to “offer solutions” to end the chaos....

Gold is perfect for use in coins and jewelry as it does not react with air or water like many other metals.

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